Sunday, March 14, 2010

At School

by Becca.
I was at school. I sat down. Then I ate some lunch. Then I went out to recess and played with my friend MKenna. We played with each other. Then we went inside when the bell rang. Our teacher came out and got us. Then we did something. Then we went to computers. Then went back to our classroom and did something again. Then the early birds left and got their homework folders and their backpacks and coats. Then we played at recess time again. Then we did some stuff and we left school. Then I did my homework. Then I went to bed.
The end.


ManicMandee said...

I'm glad you want to blog again! Love you tons.

Emily said...

I'm glad you are back blogging, Becca!! You are a great write, like your brother and sister! Keep the posts coming. I love and miss you TONS!